Masquerade by Parker Nelson

The hall is illuminated by flickering flames. Dainty notes flit around the room. Ballgowns glide across the ground, and slippers tap atop the tile. My face is hidden beneath a shadow, my secrets below a heavy gown. I am free to express myself, without the burden to be who they all think I should be. Dancing, my fears fall in sheets off my conscience. The light notes tickle my ears, inciting a dance from within. Light as a cloud, I twirl and spin. My partner, a fox, guides me swiftly through the hall. A horse dances regally with a swan, a squirrel chats with a hare. Every soul is guarded, yet free. Each life has chaos controlled beneath their skins, but all may dance with the foe. No one knows what fear wears what shield. Yet, they carry on their elaborate dance. A final note settles in the air, and all movement stops. A solute to a partner, and the dance is done.

I am Poem By: Mariam Anwary

I am Indian

I wonder about the world

I hear the cries of people

I see war and blood all around me

I am a sister

I pretend everything is fine

I feel alone and scared

I touch the abandoned dream

I worry that there will be nothing left

I cry for my loses

I am a daughter

I understand the pain

I say everything will be fine

I dream of making a change

I try to find stability

I hope there will be love and peace

I am a Muslim




Emotion of the Elements -Esther Torres


Lightning escaped his chains in the heaven’s sky

Thanks to Wind’s aid, in his escape.

He leaped from the heavens, not afraid of falling to the earth

Sparks fly off him

Letting his presence be known

Letting Her know

He had escaped, and he was coming.

She had enchanted him with her rays

He had fallen for her warm smile and tender laugh

He had fallen for her.

But she only wanted him out of her way

She wanted all the action

Taking all the attention

Locking him away.

But he was back now

So be warned

He was going to come after her, so beware

Be prepared

The Sun would soon fade.

She could call all her minions to her side

But not even Fire, Snow, or Ice

Would stop his and his raze.

Untitled- Trinity Hughes

Because people see color and not people

They are unaware of what’s going on in the world

African Americans live in fear

Fear from your brother or sister getting killed

Fear that things will never change

Where kids ask why we are treated different

Where a man tries to “make America Great Again”

How funny is that

When these innocent black people are killed

So now we are a hashtag


When small minded people say alllivesmatter

As if we didn’t know that already

When a man decides to sit during the national anthem

And he is called unpatriotic

When a 86 year old women gets pepper sprayed

And her son gets gunned down over a speeding ticket.    

When a little boy watches his mother get shot

When you can’t even walk with a hoodie on

When people act like you don’t belong

Where people think you’re dumb

When you get shot for helping a kid who has autism

When black men are 3.5 times greater risk of being killed by police

When you can’t even read a book to your child

And you get shot for doing so

When people in your community act like things don’t matter

When you can’t even have a alliance for black males

Because people then think we neglect  other races

When your natural hair is shamed

Or it’s not allowed at school and is called a “distraction”

When they push families out of public housing

They neglect the fact that things are injustice

When an amazing woman is arrested for taking down a confederate flag

Because people see color not people

Safe- Katherine Webber

The world is a scary place

Piercing eyes stare out from shadowy faces

Whispers echo as load as thunder

Tossed across a stormy sky

All around you is full of empty air

And you try to keep your gaze from wandering

Because it’s embarrassing, you’re embarrassing

“The emptiness is fine” you tell yourself

“It’s nice to be alone”

Are these words the cloak, the shield

That you use to slip away

From every evil gaze

Each hello that does not fall on others ears

It is raining but you have forgotten an umbrella

And the water cloaks your skin

Reminding you that your very existence

Can be washed away like ink on parchment

Your paper heart crumbles and the world becomes silent

Where the only light is the fire that will burn

Until you are ashes once again

Picking up the torch is hard

The fire licks, its heat enveloping you

Making you scream silent screams across the cold stones

You are still alone

But if you hold the flame for longer

Till your fingertips are charred

And your very being glows as embers

In the fireplace of a cozy hearth

Your own light will shine bright enough

To show the bugs your warmth and strength